Sunday, January 19, 2014


Well it has been a stressful few days.  On Wednesday Bob and I went to the upholstery shop to get new cushions made for the dining table.  On the way back Bob was complaining that his new shoes hurt.  We came back and took them off and there was a small pebble in the left shoe.  But he still kept complaining.  By late afternoon, you could see that the foot was starting to get swollen.  He was getting horrible shooting pain in his foot.  We couldn't think what to do so we put a lidocaine patch on it to see if that would stop the pain.  It didn't.  By evening he was feeling really bad. 

Even though I reminded him to take off the patch before he went to bed, he forgot.  So the patch was on too long and you could see that it had irritated the skin - there was a red area right where the patch had been.  And by the way, the foot was swollen even more and the pain was still coming.  Bob, in his usual way, did not want to go to the ER.  I was very very worried.  I finally convinced him to email our doc in Portland, tell him what was happening, and ask his advice.  Our doc thought it might be gout and suggested that he go to Urgent Care.  Bob was very hesitant, but, after much pushing on my part, agreed to go to Urgent Care.

We were seen by a Physician's Assistant, who thought that it was cellulitis, but could not find any break in the skin for the infection to have started.  She gave us a prescription for an antibiotic, and sent us to have an ultrasound  to rule out blood clots.  And she suggested that we return in 48 hours. We drove to the testing place.  The result was not blood clots.  Got the prescription filled.  We were also told that the antibiotic could affect bleeding time, so we emailed the Portland doc and he wanted to have the clotting time checked on Monday.

By the next morning it was not much better.  It was still swollen and red.  But the pains had stopped.  We sat all day and I just kept worrying, but I couldn't figure out what to worry about.  That evening, Bob iced the foot (using frozen peas).  Still not much better that night.  But the next morning (Saturday) it was a little better.  Back to Urgent Care in the afternoon.  Saw a different PA.  This one was also concerned that he could see no way for the infection to start.  We told him that our doc in Portland had mentioned the possibility of gout.  Although it did not look like gout, Bob got tested to gout and arthritis.

Last night, still taking the antibiotics, still only a little bit better.  He iced it again.  (We ate the peas for dinner so next time it will have to be corn).  Then, this morning, relief - It actually looks pretty good.  Only a little bit swollen.  No pain.  Sigh of relief.  Can't figure out what is going on.  Just glad it is better.  So we can get back to enjoying the amazing Phoenix weather.

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