Saturday, March 15, 2014

It is getting too warm for me

We are ready to go home now.  It is routinely in the upper 80's during the day and in the 60's at night.  I am ready to go home.  We have decided to leave here on 3/25.  that will get us home on 3/28.  Rather than going to the house (where our house sitters are planning to move on 3/31) we have reservations at a state campground for three days.  I will be close enough to home that I can drive into Portland and see my family - and I can be back in Oregon where the humidity doesn't make my nose bleed or make my eyes get so dry I want to scream.  I will miss the sun, but it will be worth it.

things here have been pretty routine.  Bob has not used any pain medication for 5 days.  The withdrawal was tough, but he made it.  He still has the "tingles" but not the shooting pains that he had.  We are not sure why, but we will take it.  He is trying a new herbal remedy call "Nerve Fix"  Maybe that is working.  Whatever, he is doing better. 

Last week we went to see my nephew's daughter and her family.  she has four little ones (3 1/2, 2 1/2, 1 1/2,  and 4 months).  she did an amazing job of keeping them in line.  they are very well behaved.  but I was exhausted watching her. 

Other than that we have not done much.  It is hard for Bob to do anything when he is feeling bad.  We go for short walks and talk to the folks here in the park.  Other than that, I am exercising and doing a lot of reading. 

Looking forward to being home.

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