Wednesday, March 5, 2014

This is a little later than I promised

I know I promised to continue writing more "tomorrow,"  but the last few days have been hard.  As some of you may know, Bob has peripheral neuropathy.  sometimes it is worse than other times.  The last three days have been some of the worst times that he has had.  It was hurting him so bad that he was sitting in the rv just jerking every few minutes.  He was getting very stressed and so was I.  So he took lots of meds and went to sleep and slept the night.  That made him really groggy the next day, but it was worth it for him to get a good night's sleep.  The next night he took fewer pills and it didn't work so good.  He was up in the middle of the night and pacing and got little sleep.  That happened again last night.  So he has not had much sleep and his foot is really bothering him.  Today he read on the internet that lidocaine patches may help.  We have some left over from his broken rib, so we tried one.  It is helping in that he is not jerking.  So maybe tonight when he takes all the meds it will help him sleep.  Hope, hope.

So back to the stories of our travels.  About a week ago we drove to Tucson.  It is less than 2 hours away and all freeway.  I gave Bob the GPS and he was supposed to direct me.  Well, he said turn off on route 51.  At that point I told him that we had already passed route 51.  He should have told me sooner.  Then we got to the end of 101.  He told me to go west.  That seemed counter-intuitive since Tucson is east.  So I questioned him and then he said east.  So we went east.  Wrong.  We needed to go west for about a mile to stay on the freeway.  So back roads for a while and scenic territory.

We decided to go to one of the sites first.  Bob put that site into the GOS and it was telling me to get off way before we got to Tucson.   that didn't seem right and we forgot to bring our regular maps.  So we stopped and got maps.  This sight was not on the maps and Bob could not find it.  so we pulled off at a rest area and I looked at one of the maps and at least had an idea where we were going. 

We finally decided just to go straight to the hotel and have them tell us how to get where we wanted to go.  That was a wise decision.  We had reservations at a 5 star hotel attached to a casino.  The hotel was great and the concierge and maps and suggestions.  So we put away the GPS (Bob simply does not know how to read it.)  We first went to the San Xavier mission.  Bob usually enjoys going to missions.  But this one he did not enjoy.  After about five minutes he was ready to go.  I wandered about a little.  I thought maybe he was not feeling very good.  So we got in the car.  As we were driving away, I asked what was wrong.  It turns out that this mission is very similar to the orphanage where he grew up.  It was giving Bob the creeps.  He just wanted to leave.  (So now I have a better idea of what the orphanage was like.)

We then drove to the air and space museum.  This was wonderful.  The exhibit started with the beginning of aviation and had many many historic planes.  We opted to take the tram ride around the place rather than have Bob try to walk.  Good idea.  We spent four hours there, even going on the tram.  Bob enjoyed it thoroughly and kept taking pictures of various planes.  Wow, what a collection.

We then drove to a restaurant recommended by the concierge.  We were following her direction on the printout.  It took longer than we expected and for a while we thought we were lost.  But we got there easily.  The area was a fake old western town and this restaurant was at one end.  It had mean, meat, and nothing but meat.  Bob and I split a combo plate of steak and ribs.  Yummy, but too much food.  The back to the casino.  We didn't have much luck gambling, so when our allotted money ran out we went to bed. 

The room was very nice.  One of the best that we have been to.  We got a good night's rest.  The up the next morning and breakfast at one of the restaurants in the casino.  The good news was that the food was fine and very inexpensive.  The bad news is that the waitress was surly and acted as if she was doing us a favor by waiting on us.  But how can you complain when the full breakfast casts less than $10 for both of us.

Then off to the Sonora Desert Museum.  Wow.  We spent almost the entire day there.  It is a zoo and an outdoor museum.  All through the park there were volunteers to tell us what we were seeing and how it fit into the geography of Arizona.  There were some who had wonderful exhibits about the animals in general.  My favorite was a guy with a whole bunch of skulls and he was explaining to us the different in the structure of a carnivore and an herbivore.  Very interesting.  We had lunch there and continued looking at butterflies.  And there was a show on snakes and gila monsters.  In all we were there for almost 6 hours.  By then Bob was exhausted.  We decided to head back to the hotel and rest up.  We had dinner at the casino.  (Free because we signed up for their club.)  Then gambled some more.  Still no luck so early to bed. 

the next morning Bob announced that he was too tired to keep touristing. So we had breakfast.  this time the waitress couldn't have been nicer.  She must have just had a bad day the day before.  I wonder if they understand how that impacts the folks that they are serving? 

Then a short drive home.  Such a good time.

Since we have come back we haven't done much.  There was a huge rainstorm here.  More rain in a few hours than we seen in Portland in a month.  The rv park looked like a huge lake.  But the amazing thin is how fast that water drained and things dried out.  It is still a little more humid here than usual, but things are dry and warm.  I spent a few days with flu like symptoms, but I am much better now.  I have been trying to get a bike ride in every afternoon.  I am still working on getting my exercise each day.  Buyt I am not having any luck keeping my weight under control.  I think it may be that I am really worried about Bob and tend to eat when I am under stress.

That's all for now. 

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