Saturday, March 15, 2014

It is getting too warm for me

We are ready to go home now.  It is routinely in the upper 80's during the day and in the 60's at night.  I am ready to go home.  We have decided to leave here on 3/25.  that will get us home on 3/28.  Rather than going to the house (where our house sitters are planning to move on 3/31) we have reservations at a state campground for three days.  I will be close enough to home that I can drive into Portland and see my family - and I can be back in Oregon where the humidity doesn't make my nose bleed or make my eyes get so dry I want to scream.  I will miss the sun, but it will be worth it.

things here have been pretty routine.  Bob has not used any pain medication for 5 days.  The withdrawal was tough, but he made it.  He still has the "tingles" but not the shooting pains that he had.  We are not sure why, but we will take it.  He is trying a new herbal remedy call "Nerve Fix"  Maybe that is working.  Whatever, he is doing better. 

Last week we went to see my nephew's daughter and her family.  she has four little ones (3 1/2, 2 1/2, 1 1/2,  and 4 months).  she did an amazing job of keeping them in line.  they are very well behaved.  but I was exhausted watching her. 

Other than that we have not done much.  It is hard for Bob to do anything when he is feeling bad.  We go for short walks and talk to the folks here in the park.  Other than that, I am exercising and doing a lot of reading. 

Looking forward to being home.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

This is a little later than I promised

I know I promised to continue writing more "tomorrow,"  but the last few days have been hard.  As some of you may know, Bob has peripheral neuropathy.  sometimes it is worse than other times.  The last three days have been some of the worst times that he has had.  It was hurting him so bad that he was sitting in the rv just jerking every few minutes.  He was getting very stressed and so was I.  So he took lots of meds and went to sleep and slept the night.  That made him really groggy the next day, but it was worth it for him to get a good night's sleep.  The next night he took fewer pills and it didn't work so good.  He was up in the middle of the night and pacing and got little sleep.  That happened again last night.  So he has not had much sleep and his foot is really bothering him.  Today he read on the internet that lidocaine patches may help.  We have some left over from his broken rib, so we tried one.  It is helping in that he is not jerking.  So maybe tonight when he takes all the meds it will help him sleep.  Hope, hope.

So back to the stories of our travels.  About a week ago we drove to Tucson.  It is less than 2 hours away and all freeway.  I gave Bob the GPS and he was supposed to direct me.  Well, he said turn off on route 51.  At that point I told him that we had already passed route 51.  He should have told me sooner.  Then we got to the end of 101.  He told me to go west.  That seemed counter-intuitive since Tucson is east.  So I questioned him and then he said east.  So we went east.  Wrong.  We needed to go west for about a mile to stay on the freeway.  So back roads for a while and scenic territory.

We decided to go to one of the sites first.  Bob put that site into the GOS and it was telling me to get off way before we got to Tucson.   that didn't seem right and we forgot to bring our regular maps.  So we stopped and got maps.  This sight was not on the maps and Bob could not find it.  so we pulled off at a rest area and I looked at one of the maps and at least had an idea where we were going. 

We finally decided just to go straight to the hotel and have them tell us how to get where we wanted to go.  That was a wise decision.  We had reservations at a 5 star hotel attached to a casino.  The hotel was great and the concierge and maps and suggestions.  So we put away the GPS (Bob simply does not know how to read it.)  We first went to the San Xavier mission.  Bob usually enjoys going to missions.  But this one he did not enjoy.  After about five minutes he was ready to go.  I wandered about a little.  I thought maybe he was not feeling very good.  So we got in the car.  As we were driving away, I asked what was wrong.  It turns out that this mission is very similar to the orphanage where he grew up.  It was giving Bob the creeps.  He just wanted to leave.  (So now I have a better idea of what the orphanage was like.)

We then drove to the air and space museum.  This was wonderful.  The exhibit started with the beginning of aviation and had many many historic planes.  We opted to take the tram ride around the place rather than have Bob try to walk.  Good idea.  We spent four hours there, even going on the tram.  Bob enjoyed it thoroughly and kept taking pictures of various planes.  Wow, what a collection.

We then drove to a restaurant recommended by the concierge.  We were following her direction on the printout.  It took longer than we expected and for a while we thought we were lost.  But we got there easily.  The area was a fake old western town and this restaurant was at one end.  It had mean, meat, and nothing but meat.  Bob and I split a combo plate of steak and ribs.  Yummy, but too much food.  The back to the casino.  We didn't have much luck gambling, so when our allotted money ran out we went to bed. 

The room was very nice.  One of the best that we have been to.  We got a good night's rest.  The up the next morning and breakfast at one of the restaurants in the casino.  The good news was that the food was fine and very inexpensive.  The bad news is that the waitress was surly and acted as if she was doing us a favor by waiting on us.  But how can you complain when the full breakfast casts less than $10 for both of us.

Then off to the Sonora Desert Museum.  Wow.  We spent almost the entire day there.  It is a zoo and an outdoor museum.  All through the park there were volunteers to tell us what we were seeing and how it fit into the geography of Arizona.  There were some who had wonderful exhibits about the animals in general.  My favorite was a guy with a whole bunch of skulls and he was explaining to us the different in the structure of a carnivore and an herbivore.  Very interesting.  We had lunch there and continued looking at butterflies.  And there was a show on snakes and gila monsters.  In all we were there for almost 6 hours.  By then Bob was exhausted.  We decided to head back to the hotel and rest up.  We had dinner at the casino.  (Free because we signed up for their club.)  Then gambled some more.  Still no luck so early to bed. 

the next morning Bob announced that he was too tired to keep touristing. So we had breakfast.  this time the waitress couldn't have been nicer.  She must have just had a bad day the day before.  I wonder if they understand how that impacts the folks that they are serving? 

Then a short drive home.  Such a good time.

Since we have come back we haven't done much.  There was a huge rainstorm here.  More rain in a few hours than we seen in Portland in a month.  The rv park looked like a huge lake.  But the amazing thin is how fast that water drained and things dried out.  It is still a little more humid here than usual, but things are dry and warm.  I spent a few days with flu like symptoms, but I am much better now.  I have been trying to get a bike ride in every afternoon.  I am still working on getting my exercise each day.  Buyt I am not having any luck keeping my weight under control.  I think it may be that I am really worried about Bob and tend to eat when I am under stress.

That's all for now. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wow.  It has been a long time since I blogged.  We have had some busy times and some slow times.  when we came back from Sedona Bob had a bad cold or flu.  He was sick for over a week.  So we sat for quite a bit of the time and did very little.  I just wanted him to get better.  I continued doing my exercises, but did little else.  Finally he started to get better.  Then a whole bunch of folks here in the rv park got it also.  It was a bad one.  Laid people down generally - so it wasn't just Bob. 

Then we got our long anticipated visit from the grandson.  I tried downloading pictures, but it wouldn't work, so you have to take my word for it.  The visit started with a lovely evening with Alex, Stef, and Mike, before they headed off for Jamaica.  We even built a fire in our portable fire pit and roasted marshmallows.  (When I asked Alex what he wanted to do while he was here, he said have a fire and roast marshmallows, so we did.)  Then the next day Alex and I went to the toy store and bought him toys.  I had already gotten him a small scooter and some other toys, but he got to pick out a couple of toys for himself.  He had a great time doing it.  He got a remote controlled car and a Lego batman set.  For days he would play with the remote controlled car.  Then our neighbor told him that one of the other residents, Gordy, used to be a race car driver.  Gordy is in an electric scooter and cannot walk much.  He and Alex connected.  First Alex conned him into playing a game of Sorry.  then Gordy gave Alex a ride on his electric scooter.  Then Gordy let Alex drive the electric scooter.  Then Alex started asking where Gordy was so that he could ride the scooter some more.  I couldn't tell who was having more fun, Alex or Gordy. 

We took Alex into the pool almost every day.  He started out barely getting wet.  Then he tried jumping in - his version of a cannonball.  Then he could put his head under water.  Then he was even able to swim for a good 20 feet with his head under water.  He enjoyed it and so did I.  We will have to continue taking him to water so that he can build on this new skill. 

One day I took him to the Butterfly Wonderland.  Amazing.  It started with a 3D movie about butterflies.  Then we went into this room that was just filled with different kinds of butterflies.  They were all over.  They would land on the sidewalk in front of you and you had to be careful not to step on them.  They would land on colorful shirts.  Alex kept running around telling me to take more pictures.  Beautiful.

One day we went to the Phoenix Children's Museum.  Alex LOVED it.  There were so many exhibits where he could watch how things worked, especially balls rolling down chutes and making bells ring, or flying out of vacuum tubes.  There was an area of foam noodles hanging from the ceiling really close together.  They called it the Noodle Forest.  Kids could run in and hide in the forest and try to get from one end to the other.  We spent five hours there.  I was exhausted.  Even Alex slept well.

One day we went to the Wild Animal Zoo.  They had some nice areas where kids could feed the animals.  Lots of animals and various rides.  Spent another full day there.  At one point while I was watching Alex feed the goats, a goose walked by.  The goose was guarding her goslings.  I guess she did not like where I was standing because she reached up and bit my leg.  It actually drew blood and HURT.  But I am fine now.

We went to see the new LEGO movie.  Alex loved it so much we went to see it again a few days later.  We also went to see the movie Frozen.  Wow.  I am tired just thinking about this.  By the sixth day Alex was starting to ask - "How long is a week Nana?"  I know he was missing his parents. 

On the last day we went to my nephew's house and spent the afternoon with the seven grandchildren.  We think we figured out that they were Alex's second cousins once removed - whatever that means.  He had a great time.

Then Mommy and Daddy were here, spent the night and whisked Alex away on an airplane.  I sure do miss him.

I spent that whole first day just resting  I am not used to so much activity.  but it was great having him here. 

This blog is now long enough.  I will tell about the rest of the month in a blog tomorrow.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Nice visit in Sedona

Bob has healed nicely.  So we decided to do something and take a short trip.  We drove north and went to Sedona.  We actually drove through Sedona to Cottonwood.  We visited some all native American ruins.  Very interesting.  I tried to upload some pictures, but had a hard time doing so.  You will just have to take my word for the fact that they were really interesting.  We spent the night in Cottonwood and then took a train ride through the canyons behind Sedona.  Very enjoyable.  We went first class.  So we had really comfortable seats.  We got champagne for a toast as we started.  We had appetizers to snack on that were yummy.  We had our own naturalist to tell us what we were seeing.  The ride took four hours.  Had a great time and got some good pictures. 

We left there and went into Sedona.  We got a hotel room at a resort that backed right up to the most gorgeous view.  (Again I tried to attach some pictures but was unsuccessful.)  We had now been almost 48 hours at an elevation of about 4000 feet.  It was too much for Bob.  We were really close walking distance to a couple of good restaurants.  But he could not do it.  So we drove to a nice Thai restaurant.  That night we sat and watched the State of the Union.  Then Biggest Loser.  that is the most TV we have watched since we have been in Arizona. 

We had thought that we would spend the next day walking through Sedona, but the altitude make it too hard for Bob.  So we took a couple of fascinating driving tours, and then headed down the mountain.  We spent the night at a casino.  We gambled for a few hours that evening and the next morning.  We lost a total of $5 and had a great time. 

We got home in time to pick up our new cushions for the dining area.  We did not get one of them because they had made a mistake and had to order more fabric.  But the others are in place and look really nice.  They did a good job.  (We are keeping the old ones so that we have some to put in when Alex visits next week.  Then I want get nervous about him spilling on the news ones.)

Bob has had a hard time recovering from three days of a lesser amount of oxygen.  Finally tonight he is starting to feel better.

I am proud that even though we ate out all of our meals I did not put on any weight.  I am working hard at getting back down to my ideal weight.  Five more pounds to go.


Sunday, January 19, 2014


Well it has been a stressful few days.  On Wednesday Bob and I went to the upholstery shop to get new cushions made for the dining table.  On the way back Bob was complaining that his new shoes hurt.  We came back and took them off and there was a small pebble in the left shoe.  But he still kept complaining.  By late afternoon, you could see that the foot was starting to get swollen.  He was getting horrible shooting pain in his foot.  We couldn't think what to do so we put a lidocaine patch on it to see if that would stop the pain.  It didn't.  By evening he was feeling really bad. 

Even though I reminded him to take off the patch before he went to bed, he forgot.  So the patch was on too long and you could see that it had irritated the skin - there was a red area right where the patch had been.  And by the way, the foot was swollen even more and the pain was still coming.  Bob, in his usual way, did not want to go to the ER.  I was very very worried.  I finally convinced him to email our doc in Portland, tell him what was happening, and ask his advice.  Our doc thought it might be gout and suggested that he go to Urgent Care.  Bob was very hesitant, but, after much pushing on my part, agreed to go to Urgent Care.

We were seen by a Physician's Assistant, who thought that it was cellulitis, but could not find any break in the skin for the infection to have started.  She gave us a prescription for an antibiotic, and sent us to have an ultrasound  to rule out blood clots.  And she suggested that we return in 48 hours. We drove to the testing place.  The result was not blood clots.  Got the prescription filled.  We were also told that the antibiotic could affect bleeding time, so we emailed the Portland doc and he wanted to have the clotting time checked on Monday.

By the next morning it was not much better.  It was still swollen and red.  But the pains had stopped.  We sat all day and I just kept worrying, but I couldn't figure out what to worry about.  That evening, Bob iced the foot (using frozen peas).  Still not much better that night.  But the next morning (Saturday) it was a little better.  Back to Urgent Care in the afternoon.  Saw a different PA.  This one was also concerned that he could see no way for the infection to start.  We told him that our doc in Portland had mentioned the possibility of gout.  Although it did not look like gout, Bob got tested to gout and arthritis.

Last night, still taking the antibiotics, still only a little bit better.  He iced it again.  (We ate the peas for dinner so next time it will have to be corn).  Then, this morning, relief - It actually looks pretty good.  Only a little bit swollen.  No pain.  Sigh of relief.  Can't figure out what is going on.  Just glad it is better.  So we can get back to enjoying the amazing Phoenix weather.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The weather is getting warmer

It is slowly getting warmer here, day by day.  Right now it is 74 degrees, with a high predicted of 78.  I actually pulled out our shorts and bathing suits.  It is still chilly at night, but I love it that way.

Last week I spilled wine all over one of the dining room cushions.  The cushions are already getting dingy and the foam is getting broken down.  So Bob and I drove to an upholstery shop and ordered new cushions and new covers.  (We will save what we can of the old ones to use when Alex is here so that I don't get panicky that he might spill something.)  The fabric will arrive next week.  Then we have to bring in the back parts which aren't so broken down and they will get them ready for us in two days.  That will be nice.

There are more repairs necessary to be done on Betsy.  Bob spent some time caulking some of the joints, but it is clear that the entire vehicle needs to be caulked.  There are also some areas that need to be bolted back together.  That is what happens with a 7 year old well used motor home.  We will probably wait until we get back to Portland to get the work done.

In the meantime, Bob is having some troubles with his left foot.  It is all swollen and he has sharp shooting pains in it.  It is not as bad today as it was yesterday.  I am trying to get him to go to the hospital, but he doesn't want to.  He has emailed our doc and we will see what he recommends.

Because bob's foot hurt so bad he sent me to the store to get slippers.  I got him some crocs and some slip-on slippers.  I have been trying to get him to use slip-ons for over 40 years and he keeps saying that they won't work.  But I bought them and he had to try them on.  Now guess what?  He loves them.  He just won't believe that I know what I am talking about. 

That is about it from here.  Time to get outside in the sun.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Life is easy

The last week has been very mellow.  The weather has been nice.  Bob's health is progressing.  He keeps complaining that he is getting tired and then I remind him how far he has gotten in the last three weeks.  It is still frustrating for him to be so tired and not able to do what he likes to do.

The park here is really not very full.  there are about 200 spots and about 100 of them are filled.  The odd thing is where.  The park is divided in three sections.  Two of the sections are pretty full.  One is almost empty.  That is the section that we are in.  The good part of that is that we have lots of room to spread out and we don't have to worry about being bothered by neighbors.  The bad part is that there are few neighbors to talk with.  The folks in the other part of the park are very cliquish (?sp)  So I probably would not want much to do with them any way.  But I miss having sociable neighbors. 

Today the park had a bus that went to a casino about an hour away.  We went.  There were about 40 people on the bus.  The 20 in the back of the bus brought their booze for the ride.  by the time we got to the casino they were pretty drunk.  They drank on the way home also, but then fell asleep.  So those are 20 folks that I have little in common with.  The good news is that we did meet another couple on our side of the park that we  like.  The trip to the casino came with a free lunch.  We were sitting in the buffet area and I saw one of the couples from the park that I did not know.  I invited them to join us.  They were really nice and are located on our side of the park.  Nice and enjoyable conversation.

After we got back to the park Bob set himself in front of the tv to watch the football game.  I did not want to watch it.  I saw our new friends sitting outside their rig and went to talk with them.  Really enjoyed it.  I hope we get to see them more often.

My exercise is still going well.  I did have an issue on Thursday.  I don't know why, but I started feeling really bad about 10 minutes into the class.  It felt like my blood pressure was plummeting.  I tried to stick it out, but then got to thinking that I had no way to get home if things got bad.  So I left the class and came home.  I felt pretty lousy the rest of the day.  But by Friday I was fine.  I will never understand this.

I do miss my life back in Portland, but this is pretty good and is great for Bob's health.  So we will keep healing.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year

Well, we had a different New Year celebration this year.  there was a get together here in the park.  we had a few drinks with our next door neighbor and his girlfriend before the get together.  They were very nice.  We all agreed later that we would have had a better time if the four of us had just stayed together.  but we went to the get together.  I must admit that I had very little in common with anyone that I talked to there.  Bob called them red necks, but I am not sure that is what the problem was.  Anyway, I stayed a while and tried to talk to the couple sitting next to me.  Bob couldn't take it any more and he left.  I am not sure why, but whatever they said, I could not think of anything to add.  So, after finishing my glass of wine and eating lots more food than I should have, I went back to the RV.

On New Year's day, We had thought that we would go spend the day with my nephew, but it turns out that Cathie was sick.  So we decided to take a drive.  We drove about 200 miles west and north to Lake Havasu, on the Colorado River.  It is very much a resort community.  the lake itself was pretty ordinary for a man made lake.  There were lots of rv parks and resorts.  The scenery along the way was so stark that it was beautiful.  We lunched in Parker, Arizona, in a very small casino.  Then we drove to the London Bridge.  Apparently someone tore down the actual London Bridge, brick by brick and put it up exactly in a shopping mall at Lake Havasu.  It was interesting.  Most of the shops in the immediate area had an English flavor, but they were mostly closed.  I did buy a new wind chime to hang on the rv, but that was about it.

At that point it was too late to drive all the way home.  I would have had to drive too much in the dark.  So we got a room at the casino.  We gambled, had a great dinner at the steak house there.  In the morning, breakfast, a little more gambling, and then a leisurely drive home.  as Bob noted, one of the problems with traveling here right now is that we have to go back the same way we came.  Which we did.  What always amazes me is how different things looks when you came at them from the opposite direction.  It was an interesting drive. 

When we got home, Bob decided to get on the computer and do his year end financial recap.  at first it all went well.  Then he started having troubles.  For some reason the program wouldn't work right.  He was getting more and more frustrated.  So, instead of fixing dinner, we went out to eat.  We ate out so much, that I was not surprised the next morning to find that I had put on 3 pounds in four days.  So back on the diet.

I have found some great exercise classes here.  The one on Saturday morning is fantastic.  the hour goes by so quickly and I get a really good work out.  I want to take that instructor back to Portland with me.  There is also one on Monday and Thursday who does a weight lifting class which is so good for my core.  I wonder why they are better classes than in Portland?  Certainly the folks who take the classes are younger than in Portland.  I looks around in the class and see very very few people my age.

In the meantime, Bob is still improving.  It is harder to describe because the changes are not so dramatic.  But he had not had pain medication for two weeks.  He can walk around the entire park with just a few stops to rest.  He can actually lift a few light things with his left hand.  He says that he generally has no more pain.  Yeah.  One day at a time. 

Tomorrow there is a pot luck breakfast here in the park.  They have a lot more social activities here than last time we were here.  If it is the same folks who were at the New Year's Eve get together, I will just have to sop attending the events.  Hopefully we will meet some more interesting people. 

We spend more of our time reading and playing games.  No television (except for NCIS on Tuesday).  We get out news from the internet.  It is all we need.  a very simple basic existence for now.