Sunday, December 29, 2013

We are getting into a routine

we are settled and into a routine.  the weather is chilly at night (in the low 40's) and the mid to upper 60's during the day.  We now have an electric coffee pot that has the coffee ready when we wake up.  So we stay in bed until I hear the beep, beep, beep.  Bob does not have his hearing aids in at that point so he doesn't hear a thing. 

I get up, turn on the heat, weigh myself, and get dressed.  Then Bob does the same.  We both log onto the internet and read the news and do puzzles.  Breakfast.  Then off I go to exercise while Bob reads or naps or does his accounting stuff.. The exercise is good for me.   I have already lost two pounds.  I looked over my weight chart and realized that I put the weight on when we were trying to sell the old house.  I have stayed about the same weight since the house sold.  So now I am determined to take it off.  Not only am I losing it, but I am getting a little stronger.  It is amazing how you can feel the strength as you do daily activities. 

In the afternoon, we read, do chores, go shopping, or I walk or bike somewhere.  Bob is getting stronger and can walk a little, but not very far.  So I walk him around the park and then go off someplace on my own.  I wish he could walk with me, but he is just not strong enough yet.  Today he did a couple of chores on the rv and then had to spend about an hour resting.  The good news is that he is better enough to be doing the chores.  It is also good news that we sat and rested in the sun.  It does feel so good on your face.

In the evening, after dinner we read or play games and try to stay up until 10pm.  If we go to bed too early, we wake up too early.  So we work at it.  No television.  If it were not for the internet I would have no idea what is going on in the world.  I have read a couple of good novels.  I miss my library in Portland, but I can get some book on my Xoom.  That is nice.  the only drawback is that if the book is good, then Bob want to read it too and I don't have access to the Xoom.  but that is a small price to pay.

Our internet connection is a jet pack from Verizon.  It is a good connection, but we do not have enough to do much streaming video.  So I don't.  It is really a very simple life.  It actually does not get better than this.

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