Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Off we go again.

Well here we go again.  We did not get to go to Arizona last year because of the failure to sell the house.  and I was afraid that we would not get to go again this year because of bob's health.  He fell and broke a rib.  then he threw multiple bilateral blood clots in his lung.  So I called 911.  That was just a month ago.  He is so great.  He has substantially recovered enough that the doc says that it is okay for him to drive to Arizona. 

So now the question is the weather.  We have had frigid weather here in Portland.  The weather along I5 is not great either.  but it looks like we will have a window of opportunity this weekend.  So off we are going to go.  The Rv has no water.  We drained it because of the frigid weather.  Now we have to fill it as soon the weather warms up enough so that it won't freeze - probably on Friday.  then load the bikes, fill the food and clothes, and off we go.  Yeah.

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